Friday, September 10, 2010

Monterey Bay Aquarium

We left San Fransisco with the sun shining on us, I'm glad we got a chance to explore the city. It here in our journey that we used a map for the first time. We wanted to get to Monterey before the Aquarium closed at 6, what freeway could get us there the fastest? After having the road to ourselves from Washington to Northern California, the congested roads of Central California were painful! Outside the sun shone warmly on brown rolling hills, dotted with scraggly scrub and black oaks. We passed town after town and many different types of agriculture. I must confess my attitude was not the best and I missed the restful green of Oregon. As we got closer to the coast our spirits lifted. What is it about the ocean that makes you forget your small problems and discomforts? I suppose it has something to do with it's bigness and consistency. The ocean will always be there. Ever changing yes, but also still so much bigger then you can imagine, wild yet inviting. I think it is a good picture of God. I am a visual person, "out of sight out of mind" I need reminders of the complete security and power of God. His creation does that for us.

We made it to the Aquarium with 45 minutes to spare. Josh enjoyed taking pictures of the otters, sea horses, and the many other marine life that lives there. My favorite was a crazy looking sea horse that looked like sea weed and the green sea turtles. One turtle in particular seemed so melancholy, like he was longing for wide open spaces. I sat and commiserated with him for a little while. The story continues...

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